
tomcat7 7.0.23

An open source servlet container developed by the Apache Software Foundation (ASF)

Packager: Gökhan Özbulak

License: Apache-2.0


Build files

Bug reports

Binary packages


Release history

ReleaseRelease dateVersionUpdaterComment
32011-12-087.0.23Gökhan ÖzbulakVersion bump. Some changes in this release:
* Add the ability to start and stop containers (primarily Contexts) using a thread pool rather than a single thread
* Enable FIPS mode to be set in AprLifecycleListener
* Prevent NPE on connector stop if Comet applications are being used without the CometConnectionManagerValve
* Correctly handle protocol relative URLs when used with sendRedirect()
* Correctly complete Comet requests when the Comet END event is triggered asynchronously
* Fix infinite loop in AprEndpoint shutdown if acceptor unlock fails
* Fix HTTP header processing in NIO HTTP connector
* Address performance issues related to log creation in TagHandlerPool
* Fix duplicate resetDeltaRequest() call in DeltaSession.setId(String)
* Fix bug in async0 example that triggered an IllegalStateException in the application log
* Remove some unused code from the packaged renamed Commons BCEL
22011-10-037.0.22Gökhan ÖzbulakVersion bump. Some changes in this release:
* Add a nicer error message when a WAR file contains filenames not properly encoded in UTF-8
* Add (optional) protection against sun.java2d.Disposer thread pinning a WebappClassLoader into memory in the JreMemoryLeakPreventionListener
* Fix a problem with Eclipse WTP "Serve modules without publishing" feature where applications failed to access resources when using getResource() on the classloader
* Prevent application code from closing the associated JNDI context while the application is running
* Fix incorrect cached method signature that prevented session tracking modes from being defined in web.xml when running under a security manager
* Allow to overwrite the check for distributability of session attributes by session implementations
* Ensure Servlets that implement ContainerServlet always get treated as restricted
* Ensure that the access log always uses the correct value for the remote IP address associated with the request and that requests with multiple errors do not result in multiple entires in the access log
* Refactor cluster manager configuration: move handling of common attributes to base class
* Correct the documentation for connectionLinger attribute for the AJP and HTTP connectors
12010-12-087.0.21Gökhan ÖzbulakFirst release.

