
biopython 1.57

Python tools for computational molecular biology

Packager: Mehmet Özdemir

License: GPLv2


Build files

Bug reports

Binary packages


Release history

ReleaseRelease dateVersionUpdaterComment
62011-04-251.57Serdar DalgıçVersion bump to latest release. See NEWS for details.
52010-11-231.55Serdar DalgıçUpdate release to put the package into right component.
42010-11-081.55Serdar DalgıçVersion bump with many enhancements and bug fixes.
32010-07-131.54Serdar DalgıçVersion bump: some changes to the new Bio.Phylo module, more documentation, and a number of smaller bug fixes.
22010-04-051.54_beta1Serdar DalgıçVersion bump to 1.54_beta:
* New module Bio.Phylo includes support for reading, writing and working with phylogenetic trees from Newick, Nexus and phyloXML files.
* Bio.Entrez includes some more DTD files, in particular eLink_090910.dtd, needed for our NCBI Entrez Utilities XML parser.
* The parse, read and write functions in Bio.SeqIO and Bio.AlignIO will now accept filenames as well as handles. This follows a general shift from from other Python libraries, and does make usage a little simpler. Also the write functions will now accept a single SeqRecord or alignment.
* Bio.SeqIO now supports writing EMBL files (DNA and RNA sequences only).
* The dictionary-like objects from Bio.SeqIO.index() now support a get_raw method for most file formats, giving you the original unparsed data from the file as a string.
* Bio.SeqIO now supports reading, indexing and writing Standard Flowgram Format (SFF) files which are used by 454 Life Sciences (Roche) sequencers. This means you can use SeqIO to convert from SFF to FASTQ, FASTA and QUAL (as trimmed or untrimmed reads).
* An improved multiple sequence alignment object has been introduced, and is used by Bio.AlignIO for input.
12010-01-121.53Serdar DalgıçFirst release.

