

A wrist friendly language for the CLI

Packager: Gökmen Göksel

License: GPLv3


Build files

Bug reports

Binary packages


Release history

ReleaseRelease dateVersionUpdaterComment
32010-02-ökmen Görgen* Update dependencies.
* Remove empty files from package.
* Version bump:
- Allow 'of' to be omitted in type references when [] are used
- Missing PatternMatching patterns, plus regex pattern
- Language change: remove 'continue' and 'break' special meaning from 'or' blocks
* Bugfixes at this version:
- compiler error referencing base class members of a generic subclass of a generic class
- Overriden explicit interface implementation crashes compiler
- Duplicate explicit interfaces cause emit error
- List comprehension cannot be used inside array constructor
- Subclassing containing class causes compiler stack overflow
- Abstract subclassing turns methods public
- Callable cannot declare variable parameters
- for/or bug in generator
- booish crashes after /help, /globals, /load and /save
- Any autocompletion on an array crashes Boo interpreter
- No type safety at all if LHS or RHS of expression is an interface
- Compiler falsely considers any member of the same name to fulfill an external interface.
- Not all overloads of external implementations searched
- Most of the links on the Boo home page are dead
- Overflowing calculations with constants are compiled to invalid code
- System.InvalidOperationException with void/bool comparison
- System.InvalidOperationException with void function in hash literal
- Boo compiler fails on certain file names
- Boo compiler fails on empty files
- Class not found after importing two similar namespaces
- inheritance generic class with abstract parameter causes error
- cross-namespace inheritance from an interface fails
- The white space agnostic parser is not preserving file names
- Parser fails on literal -9223372036854775808L (long.MinValue)
22009-11-ökmen GörgenFix libdir path.
12009-10-300.9.2.3383Gökmen GörgenFirst release.
