
networkx 1.1

Python package for the creation, manipulation, and study of the structure, dynamics and functions of complex networks

Packager: Renan Çakırerk

License: LGPLv2.1


Build files

Bug reports

Binary packages


Release history

ReleaseRelease dateVersionUpdaterComment
52010-07-151.1Renan Çakırerk# Algorithm for finding a basis for graph cycles
# Blockmodeling
# Assortativity and mixing matrices
# in-degree and out-degree centrality
# Attracting components and condensation.
# Weakly connected components
# Simpler interface to shortest path algorithms
# Edgelist format to read and write data with attributes
# Attribute matrices
# GML reader for nested attributes
# Current-flow (random walk) betweenness and closeness.
# Directed configuration model, and directed random graph model.
# Improved documentation of drawing, shortest paths, and other algorithms
# Many more tests, can be run with “import networkx; networkx.test()”
42009-01-280.99Semen Cirit- Missing dependencies added.
- Files related to ubigraph has been changed or removed.
32009-01-230.99Semen Cirit- Version bump.
- Wrong html document path problem fixed.
22008-09-090.37Semen CiritVersion bump.
12007-12-050.35.1Ahmet ErdoğanFirst release
